ADDRESS Fil-Am Hawaii Foundation P.O. Box 4864 Kailua Kona, HI 96745 Fil-Am Hawaii Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
CONTACT Lovette Llantos 808.938.3910
Fil-Am Tennis Hawaii
STORY Gonna Love It Tennis and volunteers It's no secret that my husband Errol and I love tennis. It has given us so much that we always try to find ways to give back. We try do to this through volunteerism in various tennis events as well as active participation in the community. Recognizing the financial challenge to pay for higher education for a lot families, we started the Fil-Am tournament in 2007. Non-profilt organizations like the Kona Visayan Club and now in 2020 the Fil-Am Hawaii Foundation, have been invaluable partners in this effort along with the help of selfless volunteers from the community. Proceeds are awarded to the recipients. No monies … not a single cent is kept by the GLI committee, Kona Visayan Club/FilAm Hawaii Foundation, or any of the volunteers. We also organized the St. Michael’s Church tournament that helped raise monies to help rebuild the church that was damaged by the catastrophic 2006 quake. Although a new church has been built, we continue to help in reducing the debt that was needed to rebuild the church. We also had the GLI Tennis series modeled after the US Open Series tournaments where players collect points by playing various tournaments. Although discountinued, it brought about a revival of singles play on the island. Our fundraisers introduced a number of firsts and innovations to tennis on the island such as Team Tennis, Online Auction, Sampras Serve and Connor Comeback, Games, Vendor and Souvenir Booths, Dunk Tank, and more. Introduced also are new tennis vernaculars like Too Juicy … Half my Age … Huli Huli Chicken … OJ … Legal Age … PreTeen … Net Too High on One Side … Someone Moved the Line … Lefty Spinny Thingy … That was not your ball … OUT---standing, … Breadsticks … Double Deuce … Bad Intention… and few more We appreciate all the support of like minded friends and volunteers who share our enthusiasm and willingness to help. Mahalo nui loa, Lovette Llantos



Fil-Am Tennis is an all volunteer non-profit charity event


Event Shirts to FIRST 50 paid registrants Onolicious Foods Refreshing Drinks Sampras Serve Connor Comeback Dunk Tank Fun Family Activities Click for Special Lodging Rates and lots more.


E Komo Mai Welcome to the 16th annual Fil-Am Hawaii fundraising event by the Fil-Am Hawaii Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. This charity event raises scholarship funds for eligible college bound West Hawaii graduating high school students. The scholarship is open to all qualified applicants regardless of race, color, creed/religion, or ethnic background. Since year 2007, we have granted college scholarship opportunities to over 100 deserving students. This is the biggest non-sanctioned United States Tennis Association (USTA) tournament in the state of Hawaii. It is perennially one of the most popular and anticipated sporting event of the year on the island. It attracts players and spectators from across the state and from the mainland.
DETAILS   WHEN:  July 12-13, 2025 WHERE:  Holua Racquet and Paddle 78-7190 Kaleiopapa Street, Kailua Kona, Hawaii 96740     REGISTRATION Best Value Tournament FREE EVENT SHIRT TO FIRST 50 PLAYERS REGISTERED AND PAID   Cost:  $60 per player Player Perks:  FREE Food and Drinks Registration Opens on April 2       TOURNEY FORMAT USTA Doubles Coman Regular Doubles Teams (not Team Tennis) Men’s, Women’s, & Mixed Combined Ratings:  6.0, 7.0, 8.0, Open (1.0 max difference in ratings between teammates)Format will depend on the number of registered players       Check out our new website    * Airfare/car rental not included; Valid through June 2026;  Must be flexible/depends on Resort/Hotel availability;  NON-TRANSFERABLE; NO CHANGES once dates are booked. Las Vegas ENJOY A WEEK IN ` When you Register AND Play, your name will be entered in a raffle to win a Week’s Stay at a Luxury Resort in Las Vegas.*
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ADDRESS Fil-Am Hawaii Foundation P.O. Box 4864 Kailua Kona, HI 96745 Fil-Am Hawaii Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
CONTACT Lovette Llantos lovette@gonnalove- 808.938.3910
Fil-Am Tennis Hawaii
STORY Gonna Love It Tennis and volunteers It's no secret that my husband Errol and I love tennis. It has given us so much that we always try to find ways to give back. We try do to this through volunteerism in various tennis events as well as active participation in the community. Recognizing the financial challenge to pay for higher education for a lot families, we started the Fil-Am tournament in 2007. Non-profilt organizations like the Kona Visayan Club and now in 2020 the Fil-Am Hawaii Foundation, have been invaluable partners in this effort along with the help of selfless volunteers from the community. Proceeds are awarded to the recipients. No monies … not a single cent is kept by the GLI committee, Kona Visayan Club/FilAm Hawaii Foundation, or any of the volunteers. We also organized the St. Michael’s Church tournament that helped raise monies to help rebuild the church that was damaged by the catastrophic 2006 quake. Although a new church has been built, we continue to help in reducing the debt that was needed to rebuild the church. We also had the GLI Tennis series modeled after the US Open Series tournaments where players collect points by playing various tournaments. Although discountinued, it brought about a revival of singles play on the island. Our fundraisers introduced a number of firsts and innovations to tennis on the island such as Team Tennis, Online Auction, Sampras Serve and Connor Comeback, Games, Vendor and Souvenir Booths, Dunk Tank, and more. Introduced also are new tennis vernaculars like Too Juicy … Half my Age … Huli Huli Chicken … OJ … Legal Age … PreTeen … Net Too High on One Side … Someone Moved the Line … Lefty Spinny Thingy … That was not your ball … OUT--- standing, … Breadsticks … Double Deuce … Bad Intention… and few more We appreciate all the support of like minded friends and volunteers who share our enthusiasm and willingness to help. Mahalo nui loa, Lovette Llantos



Event Shirts to FIRST 50 paid registrants Onolicious Foods Refreshing Drinks Sampras Serve Connor Comeback Dunk Tank Fun Family Activities Click for Special Lodging Rates and lots more.

Fil-Am Tennis is an all

volunteer non-profit

charity event

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“E Komo Mai” The Fil-Am Friendship Tennis Tournament is a charity event that raises scholarship funds for eligible college bound West Hawaii graduating high school students. Scholarship is open to all qualified applicants regardless of race, color, creed/religion, or ethnic background. Since 2007, we have granted college scholarship opportunities to over 100 deserving students. This is the biggest non-sanctioned United States Tennis Association (USTA) tournament in the state of Hawaii. It is perennially one of the most popular and anticipated sporting event of the year on the island. It attracts players and spectators from across the state and from the mainland.


Best Value Tournament FREE EVENT SHIRT TO FIRST 50 PLAYERS REGISTERED AND PAID Cost: $60 per player Player Perks: FREE Food and Drinks Registration Opens on April 2


USTA Doubles Coman Regular Doubles Teams (not Team Tennis) Men’s, Women’s, & Mixed Combined Ratings: 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, Open (1.0 max difference in ratings between teammates) Format will depend on the number of registered players


WHEN: July 12-13, 2025 WHERE: Holua Racquet and Paddle, 78-7190 Kaleiopapa Street, Kailua Kona, Hawaii 96740
When you Register AND Play, your name will be entered in a raffle to win a Week’s Stay at a Luxury Resort in Las Vegas.*
* Airfare/car rental not included; Valid through June 2026; Must be flexible/depends on Resort/Hotel availability; NON-TRANSFERABLE; NO CHANGES once dates are booked.
Fil-Am Tennis Hawaii
Fil-Am Tennis Hawaii