Fil-Am Hawaii Foundation
P.O. Box 4864
Kailua Kona, HI 96745
Fil-Am Hawaii Foundation is a
501(c)3 non-profit organization
Lovette Llantos
Required Reading
Before filling out the registration form, you need to read and agree to the Release & Waiver Agreement.
By registering to participate in the tournament, you, the registrant, agree to the following conditions:
Medical Release: I hereby certify and understand that such activity involves inherent risks, such as, but not limited to, scrapes, cuts, or abrasions from falling
on the court, muscle or ligament strains or tears from running and jumping, and broken bones or bruises from accidental collisions, and that even when safety
precautions are utilized, injuries can occur. I understand that if I experience unusual pain or physical discomfort during participation, I will decrease or stop
playing. To the best of my knowledge, I do not have any medical/physical disability that will preclude my safe participation in this event. I also consent to
emergency medical and/or hospital service that may be rendered by or at accredited hospitals, by appointed physicians, in the event such need arises in the
opinion of a duly licensed physician. Payment for such care shall be my sole responsibility.
Waiver and Indemnity Agreement: Acceptance of my entry in this event is without responsibility of any kind by the Fil-Am Hawaii Foundation, Gonna Love It
with Lovette, LLC, Kona Visayan Club (KVC), the host club, committees, the management, and volunteers in which I may be entered or may participate. In
consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I do hereby for and on behalf of myself and my heirs and legal representatives release and forever discharge Fil-
Am Hawaii Foundation, Gonna Love It with Lovette LLC, KVC, their officers, committees, and representatives and their successors and assigns, of and from any
and all claims, demands, and injuries, however arising, whether caused by the negligent or intentional acts of Fil-Am Hawaii Foundation, Gonna Love It with
Lovette, LLC, KVC, and its representatives, representatives of other sponsoring entities, or by third parties, which injuries may be in any way related to my
activities during the tournament and any period traveling to or from the events described, and all such claims are hereby waived and released, and I covenant
not to sue therefore. The parent or guardian, by signing/agreeing below does hereby agree to the terms aforementioned.
Player Conduct: I understand that this tournament will be governed by applicable USTA rules and regulations ("Friend At Court" Edition), the rules and
regulations of this tournament, the rules and procedures governing discipline of players sanctioned tournaments, code of ethics, tournament policy, and agree
to conduct myself accordingly.
Publications Consent: I also hereby give permission to use, in any and all publications my name and any or all pictures or videos taken of myself in the
publicizing of this event.
No Refunds once the draw is published; it will be a donation to our fundraiser. Mahalo.
April 2